Tuesday, May 23, 2023

When To See A Doctor For Back Pain ?

Back pain can be an annoying ache. Sometimes, it becomes unbearable to experience this pain. It's one of the most common reasons people visit hospitals or clinics to get urgent care in NYC.

It's a severe problem. Due to this condition, many people take leaves from their office. Hence, it's advisable to see a doctor when you start experiencing the signs of back pain. Getting treatment on time can help you manage the signs.

This blog describes who is at risk of developing back pain, the causes and signs showing you should see a doctor for treatment. Continue reading this blog to learn more about them.

Risk Factors For Back Pain -

Generally speaking, older people are more likely to experience the signs than younger ones. You are at risk of developing this health problem if -

You do not exercise regularly and live a sedentary lifestyle

You are suffering from arthritis or cancer signs

Your body weight is too high

You lift using your back.

You have depression or anxiety

You are an active smoker and consume other tobacco products

Make sure to keep an eye on these risk factors. If you suspect you are at risk, don't hesitate to visit the NY urgent care clinic. Keep an eye over your health.

Common Causes of Back Pain -

Arthritis -

The lower back can be impacted by osteoarthritis, which can result in the narrowing of the space surrounding the spinal cord, a condition known as spinal stenosis.

Arthritis affecting the spine has the potential to contribute to this condition, causing discomfort and restricted mobility.

Ruptured Discs -

The discs play a significant role in keeping your back healthy. They act as cushions between the spinal bones, providing support and flexibility.

Surprisingly, a bulging or ruptured disc may not always be accompanied by back pain. Often, the detection of disc disease occurs incidentally during spine X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs conducted for unrelated purposes.

Osteoporosis -

People often visit urgent care in NYC to get treatment, if the condition is caused by osteoporosis.

The spine's bones can develop painful fractures when they become porous and brittle. These fractures can occur within the spine's vertebrae and lead to significant discomfort.

Muscle Strain -

Engaging in repetitive heavy lifting or experiencing a sudden, awkward movement can place undue stress on the muscles of your back and the ligaments supporting the spine.

A person who is not in optimal physical condition is particularly susceptible to this strain. It can result in painful muscle spasms and discomfort.

Ankylosing Spondylitis -

This condition, characterized by inflammation, can result in the fusion of certain spinal bones, diminishing the spine's flexibility.

Consequently, the affected individual may experience limitations in their range of motion.

When To Visit NY Urgent Care Clinic For This Condition ?

See a doctor in case you have back pain that -

Is severe, and you are not feeling better even after getting rest.

Lasts longer than a few weeks.

Leads to weight loss.

Spreads down your legs.

Makes you feel weak and tired.

Causes numbness or tingling sensation in your legs.

Don't hesitate to seek urgent care in NYC for this problem that results in bladder problems and causes fever. Getting proper treatment on time can save you from making the condition worse.

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