Showing posts with label NY Urgent Care Clinic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NY Urgent Care Clinic. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2019

Different Types Of Allergies That Can Be Treated At An Urgent Care Center

It is a condition in which the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance. While a lot of people experience only minor symptoms when dealing with allergies, there are times when even serious symptoms can take place that can be life-threatening. Your immune system produces substances known as antibodies. Moreover, when suffering from allergies, these allergies makes antibodies identify a particular allergen. When your body comes in contact with the allergen, your immune system.


To know more about allergies, continue reading.

How do allergies develop?
The emergence of allergies starts with the immune system which produces antibodies in response to allergens. Once they are produced, the antibodies remain vigilant and start releasing chemicals known as “histamines”. These chemicals are responsible for creating various symptoms of allergies, consisting of both mild and severe.

Indications of Allergies: 

The signs and symptoms consist of the following:
  • Skin redness, swelling, itching, scaling or development of hives
  • Chest tightness, coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Change in blood pressure or heart rate
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Nasal congestion or swelling of sinuses
  • Stomach pain and/or nausea
  • Throat swelling
If you witness any of the above symptoms, you should immediately visit an urgent care in NYC. The urgent care clinics have expert doctors and staff who take instant actions to control the effects of allergies. Allergies can be life threatening so it’s important you take immediate medical assistance when required.

Are There Additional Risk Factors for Allergies?  
Those who have a family history of allergies are more likely to experience issues themselves. Children are especially susceptible to developing allergies, as are those who suffer from asthma or similar chronic respiratory conditions. Allergies may be especially severe for the immunocompromised.
Can Allergies Be Dangerous?

In certain cases, allergies can result in complications some of which can be life-threatening. These include:
  • Asthma—often triggered by exposure to particular allergens.
  • Sinus or ear infection
  • Anaphylaxis—a severe allergic reaction that can result in death if not treated quickly.
How Can Allergies Be Treated?
Allergies are treated based upon your medical history, as well as the severity of symptoms and known test results. Depending upon the circumstances, there may be a number of different treatment options that may be prescribed to you, including:
  • Nasal sprays, such as corticosteroids
  • Antihistamines
  • Decongestants
  • Mast cell stabilizers (an alternative method of histamine blocking)
  • Creams or ointments (often containing corticosteroids)
  • Oral corticosteroids (for treating severe allergic reactions)
  • Epinephrine
Some allergies especially certain food allergies can be life-threatening for young children and should be evaluated and closely monitored by a physician. Exposure to allergens at home and school is common, often resulting from contact with pets, dust, pollen, or other environmental factors. As allergies are a chronic condition, early identification of trigger allergens (often through medical testing) is crucial to developing an effective treatment plan.

Visit Walk-In Clinic Of NYC, to get the best treatment.

Friday, November 30, 2018

6 Things You Need to Know About Warts

Warts are little, non-cancerous bumps on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV. They appear when the virus enters the skin. These viruses lead to outer growth on the skin, which is skin color but can also be dark in color. There are many people who still have no idea from where do these out-growths pops-up. With urgent medical care in NYC,  you not only get immediate treatment for warts but can also get answers to questions from your healthcare provider.

Given below are the six things you need to know about warts.

How warts occur?

You get warts when your skin comes in contact with the virus, leading to an infection. However, warts are more common on broken skin, including areas nicked by shaving or picked hangnails because the virus can easily enter the outer layer of the skin through the cuts or scratches. Moreover, children are more prone to warts than adults as their immune system is weak. 

Are they contagious? 

Yes, warts are very much contagious. They can spread from touching warts or coming in contact with towels or bath mats used by an infected person.

Can we prevent warts? 

Unfortunately, skin warts can’t be prevented, but you can take various precautionary measures to reduce the risk of acquiring warts. Some of the important things to minimize warts include washing your hands regularly, keeping your skin well-moisturized, healthy and free from cuts. If you have a habit of biting your cuticles or fingernails, try your best to stop. While at the gym or in other public places make sure you use clean, fresh towels. 

Can they vanish on their own? 

Although some warts will vanish without any treatment, others would need treatment. Even warts that go away on their own may take months, or in some cases years to disappear. Also, note that any wart can spread the infection to other parts of the body. So for this reason, most of the dermatologists recommend getting your warts treated as soon as they appear. 

When you need to see a doctor?

If you can have common skin warts, most dermatologists suggest trying for over-the-counter wart treatments for a few months. However, if your warts don’t vanish or get worse with time, it is time to seek medical treatment. Consulting a dermatologist is better because they have a wide range of wart treatment and removal techniques that are quick and effective as compared to other products in the market.

Although not all warts are permanent and spread the infection to other parts of the body, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid further infection. To get urgent medical care in NYC for warts and other skin issues, schedule an appointment with Walk in Clinic of NYC

Friday, September 21, 2018

Different Types of Fever

Fever is a normal and common problem that affects thousands of people of all age all over the world. A normal body temperature of a human is 37.5°C, exceeding to this need an expert advice as well as the medicine. Do you know there are different types of fevers which affect anybody in this world?  According to the advice of urgent care doctors, medicine for all these types of fevers is different. Let's have a look at the reasons that cause fever.

Generally, fever is taken as a normal illness that can occur due to a cough, fatigue, sore throat, etc. The common signs or symptoms of the fever may include-

  • feeling cold when other feel normal
  • lack of appetite
  • shivering
  • sleepiness
  • depression
  • sweating
  • dehydration
  • trouble in doing common and normal routine work
  • hyperalgesia, or increased sensitivity to pain
  • problems in concentrating
  • lethargy

In the extremely high fever count, an individual may feel extreme irritability, confusion, delirium, and seizure.

Different types of fever-

Continuous fever- Continuous fever is the kind of fever that remains above the normal body temperature for the whole day. The main cause of this type of fever is the intake of contaminated food and water. Basically, the bacterial infection is the main cause of this type of fever. Typhoid, brucellosis, urinary tract infection, infective endocarditis and pneumonia are the mainly come under the continuous fever.

Intermittent fever- In this type of fever, the fever remains up for some day hours and for the rest of the day the fever remains normal. This is common if a person has malaria, pyemia, and septicemia.

Remittent fever- It is much similar to the continuous fever.  It has been seen that the temperature can fluctuate more than two-degree Celsius in a day. 

If you have fever and looking for doctors for urgent assistance, contact- urgent care doctors. It is crucial to detect the actual cause of the fever at the right time otherwise one may suffer from some other health issues. For more information, visit- Walk in Clinic NYC

Friday, August 17, 2018

Locate the Best Urgent Medical Care for Cuts and Laceration in New York City

Everyone in their life experience cuts or minor laceration at least once. Cuts and laceration fall in the same skin condition category in which skin hurts and blood comes out of the skin. A cut is a wound on the skin which separates connective tissue elements. A cut is caused by the sharp objects such as- knife, pin or shard of glass whereas, in the laceration, the skin tissues get jagged or turned up. These cuts and lacerations are minor skin conditions but in some cases, it needs urgent medical care in New York City. For example- if a person is diabetic, that may become a big problem in the future as the diabetic people need to care about the cuts carefully.

Generally, the cuts or laceration is a wound that cuts the skin tissue. But in some cases, it may hurt the muscles or bones. In these cases, the blood could be more which may result in excessive blood loss. Some people faint after seeing their own blood. If not treated on time, then an individual may die. Therefore, a proper medical help is required to treat this problem.  

Some facts of Wound-  
  • The skin act as a barrier for the outside world which protects the body from infection, radiation, and extremes of temperature.
  • The rupture injuries, punctures, lacerations, and abrasions are some of the categories that may hurt the skin and skin tissues.
  • Some of the skin cuts or wounds can be treated at home with a little bandage and antiseptic creams whereas some need expert cleaning and dressing. Otherwise, it may lead to limb damage and an individual may lead to loss of function.
  • The purpose of medical care for wounds is to prevent complications and preserve function. While important, cosmetic results are not the primary consideration for wound repair.
  • Animal or human bites should always be treated by a medical professional because it may produce a high level of infection.
  • Wounds should be covered with the bandage and with antiseptic creams otherwise germs may attack it and certain other problems may worsen the condition of the wound.

Are you suffering from cuts or wounds and looking for urgent medical care in New York City? If yes, consult- Walk-In Clinic of NYC.

Friday, June 29, 2018

4 Tips to Prevent Back Pain

Back pain is a common health problem that is faced by many people throughout the world. Many people take back pain lightly which is completely wrong, due to which they may face adverse outcomes in future. Therefore, it is very important to care for yourself and visit an urgent care clinic or nearest doctors.  

Some of the common problems that lead to back pain are- lifting the objects in an inappropriate way, continue sitting or standing for long hours, incorrect footwear, lifting or dragging heavy things, wrong sitting arrangement, improper diet falls, accidents, and many more. So, it's necessary to take care of all these things. But it is important to mention here that by using all preventions it is easy to lower down the severity of back pain. Below we have mentioned some of the tips to prevent the back pain.

Tips to prevent back pain-

Exercise- Excercise usually relaxes the stretched and strained muscles but having the proper exercise is important. Rest can ease the pain but without exercise, you can't get over it. Moreover, exercise regulates the blood circulation in the muscles, spinal cord, and inflammation, which supplies the vital nutrients to the back.

Have rich diet- Diet plays an important role and acts as a foundation for our health. It gives nutrients, vitamins, and other essential elements which are required for our body to work. If the eating habits are poor then it may result in a high level of cholesterol, high blood pressure which further leads to joint pains, back pain, and other heart-related problems. The diet must involve the nutrients, fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. A too spicy and oil-rich food is not healthy for your body.

Sleep sideways- Sleep is the best medicine for all of us. Most people sleep flat on the back which causes a lot of problems. The best posture for sleeping is on your sides, especially laying on your left side. It is important to know that sleeping sideways also helps in proper digestion. 

Wear comfortable shoes- This is one of the widely seen reasons behind the back pain or lower back pain and related problems. Women who wear heels are more prone to the back pain. So, it is suggested by the experts, the heels of the footwear must be less than one inch otherwise, it may cause back pain related issues.   

Are you suffering from back pain? If yes, contact- Walk-In Clinic of NYC. It is the best urgent care clinic in NY with experienced and educated doctors. For more information, visit-